Clarita Main Street looking north.  Taken around 1930.
Clarita trading company circa 1920.  This building later housed the Oneal and sons store, Grigsby Store, farmer's State Bank, and later the post office.
Inside the O'neal and Son's store. the man the left foreground is Otis O'neal who was the phamicist na also had a pharmacy in Wapanucka.  In the right forground is Fred O'neal who owned the store until he died in the early 60's.  In the back left corner is George O'neal, founder of the O'neal and son's store. 
Schmelzer's Blacksmith Shop and Garage circa 1930.  We are uncertain who the man pumping gas is.  But it is possible is is either Gene Schmelzer or Leslie Jones.
Unknown Clarita doughboy.  Photo was taken around the time of the first world war.
Unknown Clarita soldier.  Uniform appears to be Spanish American war era.
Most of the historic Clarita buildings are gone.  However, we are on the look-out for any images we can find for this website.  Occasionally, we get lucky and find small treasure troves of images.  This is good, but all too many times we can't idintify some of the old buildings or people.

  Those of us whose roots are here in Clarita are able to idintify most of them.  Billie Jean 
(Robinson) Rice has been involved in digging up old pictures and submitting historic information so we can piece our past together. The Robinson family came to Clarita in 1930. Billie graduated from Clarita High School in 1945.  She is our main source of historic information. 

We have come across some of the writings of Keith Robinson.  among them we found a memoir which seems to go along with the historic photos we have found. Your memories will come streaming back as you read Keith Robinson's memories.
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In Coal County
Clarita Main Street looking south. Taken around 1930.